Roxane Grumiaux – Psychomotricity – Perinatal Plantar Reflexology


Tuesday 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.h00



My name is Roxane Grumiaux and I am a psychomotor therapist who graduated from the University of Leonardo da Vinci. I also have a children's home director's diploma and have worked in this field for two years. I have expertise in early childhood, but I also work with children aged 0 at 8-10 years. I also trained in various fields such as a baby massage consultant, perinatal plantar reflexology and baby sign. On 2021, I will also begin training to specialize in infant motor development using the body mind centuring method.

Au center Nest, I offer individual therapies to children presenting the following problem (s) :

-   Attachment disorder / relationship difficulties with parents and peers
-   Psychomotor development delays
-   Related psychomotor disorders:

  • The delay in motor or neuromotor acquisition (disorders of maturation and tonic and postural regulation, …),
  • Structuring disorders (body pattern disorders, laterality, of the spatio-temporal organization, …),
  •  Post-traumatic deterioration, to illness

-   Behavioral or personality disorders,
-   Body representation disorders, of psychological or physical origin (body image),
-   Lack of confidence in oneself and in others,
-   Intellectual disabilities, sensory, motor or psychic, …
-   Instrumental disorders.

I also carry out psychomotor assessments evaluating:

-   Tone
-   Gross motor skills
-   Fine motor skills
-   Laterality
-   The balance
-   The coordination
-   The body diagram
-   The spatio-temporal orientation.


Finally, I offer sessions in perinatal plantar reflexology for women, future maman: 

  • Wishing to have a child
  • Suffering from heavy legs
  • Suffering from nausea, constipation
  • Suffering from pain in the pelvis
  • Suffering from pregnancy-related stress
  • Premenopause, menopause.

Pregnant women can receive foot reflexology after their first trimester.

I also send small protocols to relieve the respiratory system, digestive, toothache and to promote falling asleep in toddlers.

To make an appointment online for psychomotricity or perinatal plantar reflexology, click below: