Eugénie Nicolas-Ledieu – Naturopathy


Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Consultation language






Themes of all kinds: reflux, digestion difficile, skin problems, exhaustion, postpartum depression, immune system at half mast, TDHA, menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalance, joint pain, anxiety disorders for example…

HOLISTIC VISION OF HEALTH: emotional, energetic and physical


What is naturopathy?

Naturopathy offers a holistic vision of health, taking into account physical dimensions, energetic and emotional. The naturopath works to rebalance a terrain using natural techniques, food, movement, herbal medicine, nutritherapy for example.

My journey

After a degree in psychology, studies as a specialized educator in France, I exercised during 10 years working with children and adults with disabilities & mental illness. Theory and empiricism opened me to the richness of considering each person's differences.

mum 2 children. They teach me every day to come back to myself, to the essentials, at the time, to self-respect. They remind me of the wonder and confidence necessary for well-being.

The fascinating aspect of Health arrived naturally while I was going through exhaustion and inconveniences linked to the feminine sphere and, having had the chance to meet people who were able to support and guide me.

I subsequently trained in NATUROPATHY DURING 4 YEARS with these same people, at the School of Holistic Health, in Brussels; and continues to train myself regularly on subjects such as the inconveniences linked to the menstrual cycle, exhaustion, childhood or even food profiling.

With boundless passion and enthusiasm, I receive consultations and accompany babies, children, adolescents & adults, parents,... towards KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR TERRAIN, THE RETURN TO BALANCE AND AUTONOMY

I also run “Teenagers” WORKSHOPS & Menstruation », “Menopause & Naturopathy », as well as COURSES for children: “LES PTITS NATUROS” a little bubble in the universe and philosophy of naturopathy, with ease & kindness.

At Nestia:

I will accompany you on Fridays from 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m..

The rest of the week, I receive private practice in Watermael-Boitsfort and at the Terre-Rêves therapeutic center in Auderghem.

How does a consultation work??


A 1st CONSULTATION lasts approximately 1h30. This consultation is an initial contact, together we establish your vitality assessment, let's take your history again, let's take an overview of iridology. I then offer you a support framework in holistic health, personalized, resuming eating, movement, advice on vital hygiene, of possible cures. We decide ensemble the priority of what you can put in place, respecting your pace and your aspirations.

A FOLLOW-UP CONSULTATION lasts approximately 1 hour. We take stock of how you feel after a period of putting the advice given into practice, at the psycho-emotional level, energetic and physical. What were you able to set up easily?? What was revealed to you?

We push the thinking further, to support you and ensure that little by little you become aware of your needs and regain well-being and energy independently. You will have the opportunity to leave with a synergy of floral elixirs.



The goal is to target the specific needs of your child, what balances it both on a physical level, eating, whether energetic or psycho-emotional.

The consultation takes place according to the age of the child, in his presence and with the parent(s)(s), on 2 temps : taking photos of irises, then 1h30 consultation to develop

-THE OVERVIEW IN IRIDOLOGY, allowing you to see what heritage your child carries,

-le YI-KING, from the philosophy of Tao, provides concrete information on how we can support it, the way in which he can learn to know himself and balance himself when he goes through delicate moments at the psycho-emotional and energetic level.

You have questions ? Do not hesitate to contact me at 0498/50.10.04 or via my site

Making appointments online :