occupational therapy

Angélique D’Hayer and Sineen Abu Al Itham are occupational therapists specializing in pediatrics at the Nestia center in Auderghem, Brussels.

The purpose of the occupational therapy sessions is to help you find autonomy in youractivities of daily living. All this taking into account your abilities, your environment and your needs. The exercises are done by real-life scenarios. It is for babies, children, adults and seniors.

All interventions are carried outin office, at school or at your home.

Angelique is specialized in adult neurology (Stroke, brain tumor, Parkinson disease, SEP , Guillain Barre, etc.). In respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, etc.). Angélique is also specialized in neuropédiatrie. This includes occupational therapy check-ups, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dysgraphia or even dysorthography. Management of delayed motor development, computer learning.

Yes propose personalized and quality-based care. I advocate active listening, communication and empathy. We will start from your request, of your needs. Indeed, the evolution is better when you are involved in your care. You are the key to the success of the objectives, you are at the center of your care. So, I support you and encourage you to reach them through occupational therapy techniques.

Examples of support

  • Rehabilitation and rehabilitation for babies, children and adolescents: Rehabilitation is a training of a precise motor or cognitive function in order to make it functional. ex: writing rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is the adaptation of the environment (home furnishings), the installation of technical aids, learning "tips and tricks" to overcome a motor or cognitive deficit and promote the success of the activity in your daily life. ex: computer learning
  • Neurosensory integration rehabilitation : We establish a sensory profile of your child. We determine together objectives related to their daily life to promote their autonomy and improve their social participation..

Our Occupational Therapist at the Nestia center

Angélique D'Hayer: pediatric occupational therapist at the Nestia Center in Auderghem, Brussels. Consultations in French on Wednesday afternoon. Book an appointment at 0472/49.96.42 or on the site www.monergo.be

Sineen Abu Al Itham : pediatric occupational therapist. Consultation on Friday afternoon in English or Arabic. Consultation on the friday afternoon in english and arabic. Contact sineen.ot@gmail.com
+32 456147886 (response only on weekdays from 8:30am-5pm)