Speech therapy

Speech therapy is a paramedical profession that provides prevention, the assessment and treatment of various pathologies affecting communication, language and cognitive functions as well as those of the O.R.L spere.

Since then, speech therapy is used in children, adolescents or adults presentant: 

  • – oral language disorders (language delay, speech delay, joint disorders),
  • – written language disorders (dyslexia, dysorthographie),
  • – logical-mathematical difficulties,
  • – cognitive impairment,
  • – swallowing disorders,
  • – orofacial function disorders,
  • – hearing problems and hearing impairment
  • – voice and phonation disorders.

The origins of these difficulties are many and varied.

As part of a consultation, the speech therapist works on medical prescription (otherwise no refund will be mutual) after which an assessment of strengths and weaknesses (with) is performed. The management company is only if difficulties have been objectified in the balance sheet in order to best help children in their development and in their learning. Moreover, throughout the treatment, exchange and collaboration between the child, relatives and other therapists or stakeholders is essential for proper development of it.

The logopède du center Nesto : 

Andrea Lebeau : pediatric speech therapist and neuropsychologist. Consultation Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoon. 0476/27.53.40

Charlotte Martin : pediatric logopède. Consultation on Thursday afternoon. 0483/23.35.83