Physiotherapy pre and postnatal

Prenatal physiotherapy:

Prenatal physiotherapy sessions are intended for all expectant parents. There is no perfect time to start sessions, listen to your wants and needs. However, it is better to end our sessions before 37th week of pregnancy.

The role of prenatal physical therapy is to relieve possible discomforts associated with pregnancy but also to prepare the couple for this much anticipated event that is childbirth.

During the preparation for childbirth we will see together the different phases of childbirth, the anatomy of the female pelvis and the biomechanics of childbirth. Ensuite, we will continue with learning different working and delivery positions in order to facilitate the baby's descent and expulsion, but also relaxation and breathing techniques to better manage pain and stress.

To relieve the pain of pregnancy there are many ways such as stretching, postural work, massages, circulatory exercises, soft mobilizations, etc

Post-natal physiotherapy : 

It is intended for all mothers who have recently given birth. Generally postnatal rehabilitation starts 4 at 6 weeks after delivery.

The goal of the post-natal rehabilitation is to reclaim his body, to help the general fitness but mostly tone the abdominal muscles and the perineum, which suffered particularly during pregnancy and childbirth.

Before starting the exercises, an abdominal-perineal balance sheet is necessary in order to detect any significant weaknesses and / or dysfunction. We will target the strengthening of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles while working on posture through various exercises.


The specialized physiotherapists in pre-post natal center of Nestia : 

Lorraine Rion: Pre-natal and post-natal physiotherapy and perineal rehabilitation. Consultation on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. 0493/94.97.83

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